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Thank you for attending the 2022 No Interest Loans Conference.

Whether you attended online or in-person in Melbourne we certainly enjoyed bringing you this event!

We would love to hear your feedback!!  To help us continue to deliver relevant events and training please take this 2-minute feedback survey:


A reminder of what was covered:  CLICK HERE for the full in-person conference program

Questions or feedback?  Please contact our NILs Conference Team at:

Scroll below to download the presentation documents given at the NILs conference

Presentation: James Shipton. The changing nature of financial wellbeing

Presentation: Suela Qemal. The New Vulnerable

Presentation: Dave Vicary. NILs: Where we are & where we are going

Workshop: Risky Business

Workshop: Marketing NILs

Workshop: Disclosures of FDV in the NILs Interview

Workshop: Engaging CALD Communities

Workshop: Reinvigorating your NILs volunteer program

Workshop: Bring on the Savings with Saver Plus

IN-PERSON EVENT - Program / Delegate Pack